AI Detector

Our online AI writing detector finds AI generated text from your writing. Enter your text and let the tool provide you an AI similarity percentage. Try it to make your writing original and accurate.

When it comes to writing, originality is among the most crucial aspects of that content. Original content is usually written by a human using its topic-level expertise. In academia, educational institutes want students to write by themselves. Similarly, content written by a human tends to perform well for SEO and social media marketing. As AI is becoming increasingly popular, writing content using an AI tool can be problematic. The majority of AI writing tools are using a basic level of techniques for generating content—this makes the content flagged as AI-generated.

Introduction to AI Detector Online

An AI writing detector is an online tool that is specifically made for finding AI writing similarity. It can instantly detect AI percentage and tell if the content is written by a human or by an AI writing tool.

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude are trained on large language models. Their main work is to assist users with their queries. Since they are not writing tools like our paragraph generator, it is easier for our AI checker to find the AI similarity percentage.

Our tool also uses AI along with other techniques to distinguish human content from AI writing. In case you want to create content closer to human writing, try our AI writer online for free.

Why check AI writing similarity?

AI content is extremely useful for all those who can’t afford expensive tools or the services of a content writer. Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude are free, and one can use them to generate content.

But when it comes to academics, marketing, and professional fields, AI content doesn’t work. In fact, academic institutes discourage students from solely relying on AI tools for completing their work.

Similarly, search engines discourage AI content as they want publishers to showcase their on-topic expertise. While AI content is easy to generate, it can’t surpass human creativity. Also, the AI content tends to be generic, providing general information. Google labels such content as “unhelpful” and penalizes a website publishing such content.

In professional fields, education, and many others, using AI for content creation is oftentimes against the guidelines. In such a situation, one needs to verify the originality of their content using our AI text checker. This can save you from potential misconduct and regulations.

How does this AI text detector work?

Our AI writing checker scans your content to find if it has AI writing similarity. It uses semantic analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing. Besides these techniques, our tool is trained on human and AI-written content.

When someone enters their content, our tool uses its AI-powered capabilities and different techniques. After a proper analysis, this AI detector shows an AI writing percentage that is oftentimes pretty accurate.

While AI writing detector tools can’t be 100% accurate and authentic, they are still way better than tools you’ll find online.

For whom is this AI percentage checker beneficial for?

This AI detector is helpful for students and all those who don’t want to compromise on originality. It means the tool is equally useful for writers, marketers, professionals, researchers, and many others.

This AI text detector only finds AI writing similarity. In case you want to find the content duplication score, try our plagiarism checker online.

What happens if my content has higher AI similarity?

Many other online AI writing checkers are not accurate. Sometimes they show inaccurate results, so you can’t rely on the data they are showing you.

AI content is considered unethical, or using it for professional purposes can lead you into trouble. For instance, academics and marketing fields don’t allow AI content. You can lead yourself in 

Our AI detector is a lot different from all others. It uses advanced techniques and algorithms to accurately find AI similarity. If our tool detects AI writing similarity, you can use three of our popular tools for making your content unique.

If the content is 100% AI-written and difficult to read, use an online tool to proofread the text and improve its quality.

For improving a few paragraphs, try a paragraph rewriter online.

Frequently asked questions

How accurate is Qozex’s AI writing detection tool?

The way other AI detectors work, our tool is far ahead in terms of finding AI similarity within content. Before going live, we achieved 89% and 97% accuracy. This accuracy is extremely high as compared to others.

Can I rely on the accuracy of this AI detector?

The AI detector can’t be 100% accurate. While we and thousands of others are usually it on a daily basis, we don’t recommend relying on its percentage.

Is this AI checker helpful for students and teachers?

Yes, this tool is helpful for academic use. Our AI checker helps students scan their work before submitting.

Similarly, the teachers can also use the submitted work by students to determine if it is unique and human-written.